Search tools available on Genealogy Quebec

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There are over 50 million images and documents
among the Drouin Genealogical Institute's tools and collections
covering from the origin of New France to today.
Not sure where to start? Check out the Quick start guide!

Primary research tools



Contains over 10,940,000 birth, marriage and death records from Quebec, Ontario, Acadia and the United States.

  • Every Catholic marriage from Quebec between 1621 and 1918
  • Every Protestant marriage from Quebec between 1760 and 1849
  • Every marriage recorded by the Quebec government between 1926 and 1997
  • Every Catholic baptism and burial from Quebec between 1621 and 1861
  • Every death recorded by the Quebec government between 1926 and 1997
  • 1.7 million additional marriages from various sources in Quebec, Ontario, and the USA between 1919 and today
  • Tens of thousands of additional records from Quebec, Ontario and Acadia


  • Internet obituaries
  • Newspaper obituaries
  • Memorial cards
  • Cemeteries and tombstones

Groupe-Nécro Obituaries

In collaboration with Groupe-Nécro, the Drouin Institute presents the Obituary section, which contains internet and newspaper obituaries as well as cemeteries and memorial cards. The 4 sections are equipped with a search engine.

  • More than 3 600 000 death files
  • 2 962 595  Internet obituaries and over 1,250,000 newspaper obituaries  - See the sources
  • 99 699  memorial cards
  • 739 343  tombstones  - See the cemeteries

Secondary research tools

Drouin Institute's Great collections

  • 21 sections
  • 50 000 acadian cards
  • Complementary genealogical and historical information
  • Search the collections by family name
  • Millions of marriages

Drouin Institute's Great collections

Most of the Drouin Institute's Great Collections are now indexed and equipped with a search engine. Can be searched by family name and collection.

  • The Joseph-Drouin (1760-1880) and Gabriel-Drouin (1880-1935) Men and Women series.
  • Histor File and Acadian Cards
  • Contains a list of most of Quebec's marriages from 1760 to 1935
  • Surname search available in every collection
  • See the list of the great collections


  • 1 263 000 files
  • Info from genealogical societies
  • More societies to come


Baptisms, marriages and burials from the Bas-St-Laurent (1727 to 2011), Laurentides (1727 to 2011), Outaouais (1727 to 2011) and Mauricie regions (1846 to 1999), as well as 120 000 marriage records from the United States and Ontario, dated from between the 17th century and the end of the 20th century.

Connolly File

Connolly File

The Connolly File, presented in collaboration with the Société de généalogie des Cantons de l'Est, is an index of Catholic and Protestant baptisms, marriages and burials from Quebec and part of the United States covering a period extending from 1621 to 2019. 6 839 262 BMD files available in the tool.

Drouin Institute's Family genealogies

Drouin Institute's Family genealogies

Between 1913 and 1957, the Drouin Institute produced more than 16 000 genealogies for French Canadian families. More than 700 have been retrieved, digitized, and are now available in this collection.

  • 203 genealogies indexed by couple
  • 229 000 images, 79 727 indexed couples
  • Possibility of searching for marriages by family name in the genealogies


  • Québec 1881
  • Québec 1901
  • Ontario 1881

Quebec and Ontario censuses

Contains an index of Quebec's 1881 and 1901 censuses and Ontario 1881's census.

  • 5 012 907  names listed.
  • 1 924 191 for Ontario 1881 census - See the districts
  • 1 358 566 for Quebec 1881 census - See the districts
  • 1 730 150 for Quebec 1901 census - See the districts
  • Additional information such as religion and language often available
  • Comprehensive search engine

Notarized documents

Notarized documents

From the personal collection of Jean-Pierre Pepin and the Drouin Institute, 82 795 notarized documents have been digitized and are available in this collection.

  • Covers from 1800 to 1980
  • Digitized : 94 810 documents / 319 983 images
  • Available to date :  82 795 documents / 255 490 images. - See the locations
  • Search by name, notary, date and document type.



More than 256 000 postcards from the personal collection of Jean-Pierre Pepin have been digitized, indexed and made available in this tool.

  • More than 256 000 postcards
  • Image of the front and back of the card available
  • Ability to search by sender or recipient


  • 171 249 family files
  • 142 085 birth dates
  • 134 987 links to original documents
  • 26 960 burial dates
  • 27 164 links to burial documents

Acadia - Families

171 249 family files based on original Acadian records. The files usually contain the names of the parents, the name of the child, the parish and the dates of baptism and/or burial. In most cases, a link to the original baptism and/or burial record is available.

  • 142 085 birth dates
  • 134 987 links to original documents
  • 26 960 burial dates
  • 27 164 links too original burial documents

Archival fonds and databases

Drouin Collection

  • 3 644 575 images
  • 12 000 000 certificates
  • 1621 to today
  • All of Québec, parts of Ontario, Acadia and New-Brunswick, sorted by parish and year

Drouin Collection records

The Drouin Collection Records is a collection of images of parish registers (baptisms, burials and marriages) as well as of other documents of historical and genealogical significance. It covers all of Quebec and French Acadia as well as parts of Ontario, New Brunswick and the Northeastern United States.
This massive collection contains the entirety of Quebec’s civil registry from 1621 to the 1940s, which encompasses most individuals who lived in the province during that period

  • Sorted by region, parish and year
  • More than 12 million records and 40 million names.
  • Covers all of Quebec, parts of Ontario, Acadia and more.
  • Registres paroissiaux 1621-1876: Religious copy of Quebec's civil registration

Drouin Institute’s miscellaneous Collections

Drouin Institute’s miscellaneous Collections

This section contains a mix of images, documents, books, pictures and directories of historical and genealogical significance.

  • Fonds d'archive (Archival fonds)
  • Archives municipales (Municipal archives)
  • Dictionnaire Jetté
  • PRDH volumes
  • Autres documents (Other documents)
  • Lignes de vie (Life lines)
  • Journaux anciens (Old newspapers)
  • Lignées généalogiques (Genealogical charts)
  • Statuts de la province de Québec
  • Contrats notariés de l’Ontario (Notarized documents from Ontario)
  • Trois-Rivières (Juridiction)
  • Cadastres abrégés (Abbreviated land records)

BMD Cards

  • QFHS Memorial Cards
  • Antonin Loiselle File
  • Ontario BMD cards
  • Kardex

BMD Cards (Baptisms, Marriages, Burials)

The BMD Cards tool contains baptism, marriage and burial cards from Quebec, Ontario and the United States.

  • Ontario BMD cards, BMD cards organized by cities or families, Memorial cards sorted by family name
  • Contains the Kardex and Antonin Loiselle files
  • Over 2.5 million cards

City directories

City directories

The city directories tool contains a digitized version of the phone directories of the cities of Montreal (Lovell) and Quebec (Marcotte). Around 81 000 pages digitized and indexed by category and year.

Archived tools

Marriages and deaths 1926-1997

  • 2 483 450 marriages
  • 2 802 719 death
  • Original documents for marriages

Marriages and Deaths 1926-1997

5 286 161   Quebec marriage and death certificates from the 1926-1997 period in collaboration with the SGQ and SGCF. The original document is available to view for the marriages.

  • 2 483 442 marriage forms linked to the original form - See the locations
  • 2 802 719 deaths. - See the locations
  • Unique and modern information.
  • All religions (catholic, protestant, civil, other).