Drouin Institute’s Great Collections

The Drouin Institute’s Great Collections is a digitized version of the Great Collections published and edited by the Drouin Institute over the course of its existence, namely:

  • Masculine (Men series): Alphabetical directory of all French-Canadian marriages from Quebec between 1760 and 1935, sorted by the groom’s surname.
  • Féminine (Woman series): Alphabetical directory of all French-Canadian marriages from Quebec between 1760 and 1935, sorted by the bride’s surname.
  • Histor: Directory of marriages files, including the origin of the subjects as well as a marriage contract. This collection covers all of the Catholic and Protestant marriages celebrated in Quebec between 1730 and 1825, as well as marriages celebrated in Western French forts such as Détroit. Also contains Acadian marriages.
  • Fiches Acadiennes (Acadian cards): This series contains 50 000 birth, marriage and death files of Acadian individuals.
As well as the following collections: Dossiers généalogiques Drouin, Affinités généalogiques Drouin, Petit Drouin, Kardex Noir, Prévôté de Québec, Patrimoine familial, Patrimoine national, Fiches franco-américaines (Franco-american files).

Drouin Great Collections search engine
Drouin Great Collections search results
Dossiers généalogiques Drouin page
Fichier Histor page
Drouin Men and women series explanation
Dossiers généalogiques Drouin Marriage photo